I love to treat, teach and to increase life qualities.


Isele-method Courses
Since 2019 I teach the Isele-method to physiotherapists and osteopaths. 
Within 2 days filled with theory and practice the Basic Course is completed.

Giving Workshops and Lectures
Over the past years I held workshops and lectures on the topics of injury prophylaxis in sport climbing. You can book me for a lecture or find future dates to attend a course. 


Upcoming Isele-method Course:
Basic Course:
2025 – as soon as a date is set, we’ll announce it here.


Beat Kammerlander

Climbing legend, Vorarlberg, Austria

“I was having problems with my middle finger. When I put weight on it, I felt a burning pain on the top of the middle joint. After two months, it was clear to me that the pain would not go away on its own. So I contacted Klaus Isele. This was the best decision, because after three treatments with the Isele-method I was and I am pain-free. I am also very grateful for the tips regarding holistic training.”

“Ich hatte Probleme mit meinem Mittelfinger. Bei Belastung spürte ich einen brennenden Schmerz auf der Oberseite des Mittelgelenks. Nach zwei Monaten war mir klar, dass der Schmerz nicht von selbst wieder verschwindet. Somit kontaktierte ich Klaus Isele. Das war die beste Entscheidung, denn nach drei Behandlungen mit der Isele-Methode war und bin ich schmerzfrei. Außerdem bin ich sehr dankbar für die Tipps bezüglich ganzheitlicher Trainingsgestaltung.”

Benedikt Vogt

Climber, Vorarlberg, Austria

For years I have been going to Klaus Isele with every injury. It doesn’t matter whether it’s fingers, knees or back. Every single time I was not only satisfied, but downright enthusiastic. Klaus recognized immediately what the problem was and the treatment brought immediate improvement/relief every time. He is the first point of contact for every injury and so far a medical examination was no longer necessary.

Seit Jahren gehe ich mit jeder Verletzung zu Klaus Isele. Ob Finger, Knie oder Rücken ganz egal. Jedes einzelne Mal war ich nicht nur zufrieden, sondern regelrecht begeistert. Klaus erkennt sofort was das Problem ist und die Behandlung hat jedes mal sofort Besserung/Linderung gebracht. Bei jeder Verletzung ist er die erste Anlaufstelle und bisher war eine ärztliche Untersuchung danach nicht mehr nötig.

Sarah Burmester

Passionate Climber, Germany

Klaus was the salvation for my chronically injured fingers. He penetrates and understands all aspects of climbing and his competence in climbing-specific problems is outstanding. Not only once did I undertake the long journey because I knew that my bones, battered by climbing, are in the best of hands with Klaus Isele.

“Klaus war für meine chronisch lädierten Finger die Rettung. Er durchdringt und versteht alle Aspekte des Kletterns und seine Kompetenz für kletterspezifische Probleme ist überragend. Nicht nur einmal habe ich die weite Anreise auf mich genommen, weil ich wusste, dass meine vom Klettern geschundenen Knochen bei Klaus Isele in den besten Händen sind.”

Zoe Steinberg

Professional Climber, Philadelphia, USA

“After tweaking my finger I managed to get in to see Klaus for some treatment. After just two treatments, I’m beyond impressed with the results. Klaus is super knowledgeable about anatomy, injuries (especially climbing), and identifying both the injury and any underlying problems that are contributing. My finger felt way better than I could’ve hoped this soon after injury and I was able to go hard during the remainder of my trip.

Thanks so much Klaus for the treatment and making the time on such short notice, it was amazing. For anyone in the Swiss/Austria area (or anyone who isn’t) dealing with an injury, I can’t recommend Klaus Isele and his practice Therapierbar highly enough.”

Albert Oberndörfler

Passionate Climber, Germany

An old finger injury (40 years) repeatedly forced me to take longer breaks, after the second session with Klaus I was already pain-free again.

“Eine alte Fingerverletzung (40 Jahre) zwingt mich immer wieder zu längeren Zwangspausen, nach der zweiten Sitzung bei Klaus war ich bereits wieder schmerzfrei.”

Conservative Method to Treat Finger Complaints 

The Isele-method is a conservative, local-osteopathic method to treat finger complaints – especially climber’s fingers.

Who I Am and My Philosophy

Evidence-based plus experience-based knowledge

I am a supporter of the individual norm of the patient. I believe in anatomy and physiology and individually adapted treatment. There is no perfect treatment. I think that we must listen to our patients very attentive. My background as osteopath, physiotherapist and state-approved climbing trainer of course influences my approach on how I deal with climbing related problems. Bringing a human being back to health does not only include a physical examination, it involves understanding the patient, his sozialisation, his lifestyle in order to get the full image of each person. 


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Frequently Asked Questions

What should I do when I hear my finger popping?

Cool it, compress it and elevate it. Keep your finger straight and see a doctor or physio of your trust.

› Isele-method certified therapists

Can I continue climbing although my finger hurts?

This is a delicate and not easy to answer question. It all depends on the pain quality, intensity and when it occurs.
Generally said patients who come for a treatment at an early stadium will have a minimum number of treatments and the best chances for a full recovery.
Be smart and listen to your body early.

Are there some exercises which I can do as a prophylaxis?

No there is no general advice which would fit for every climber. But yes, it makes sense after you have been examined by a climbing affine therapist.

How long do I have to take a break after a single pulley rupture?

This is different for every climber. Pain and swelling are crucial for the duration. Also you have decide between two treatment methods which influence the break time. 

I only feel pain in my finger after climbing. What should I do?

See an Isele-method practitioner. If you catch it early it won’t get as bad and your performance will rise faster.

› Isele-method certified therapists

Which tape is the best to support my fingers?

There is no tape that supports the flexor tendons like the pulleys do. But it does make sense in certain cases to use different taping methods for a limited time during the observed rehab process.
Be aware that taping can have a negative influence on your finger problem.

If I book you for a lecture or workshop can you adjust the topic?

Yes. Get in contact with us. 

Do I need to take a climbing break after an Isele-method treatment?

In most cases a climbing break of 48 hours is required. 

Book me for a lecture

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My work with Adam Ondra


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I was working with the exceptional athlete Adam Ondra for two years. The goal of this collaboration was to keep him injury-free and to improve his climbing, especially to help him making progress in his former 9c project in Flatanger – called Silence.

Adam is a very unique athlete because first he is an extremely motivated climber with extraordinary flexibility skills and second he has the important focus and the ability to implement movements. 

Seen from my perspective as physio there were two major challenges during this time: the recovery after his ground fall in Spain and the work on “Silence”. For my task to support this athlete I had to “study” him, his anatomy, his exceptionalities and skills. With “Silence” the development of the visualization concept went hand in hand – a tool of keeping athletes fit during a break caused from injury or illness. The aim is to lose little muscle mass and not to forget movement patterns. The route is re-climbed in the mind with eyes closed, but with physical intensity, and thus internalised down to the smallest detail. In terms of the special features and challenges of the route “Silence” with its unusual move feet forward and the upside down resting positions exercises had to be adapted and specific muscles had to be trained. The work paid off.

What happened to Adam?

What happened to Adam?

Adam Ondra had a ground fall. In February after flashing Supercrackinette 9a+ (5.15a), a few days later, Adam fell approximately 8 meters to the ground. Adam told me that he immediately knew what...

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Vail for the 10th time

Vail for the 10th time

It never gets boring It was the 10th time for me in Vail and it never gets boring. The routine of the Austrian Climbing Team starts with two days in Boulder, Colorado. In the bouldering gym we...

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