Klaus Isele
Physiotherapist, Osteopath, Climber
Degreed Master of Osteopathy
Graduation from the university WSO (Internationale Wiener Schule für Osteopathie – International Viennese School of Osteopathy)
Master Thesis:
„Treatment of finger problems in climbers with the local-osteopathic Isele-method: a Pilot study“
Study of Osteopathy
Studying osteopathy at the International Viennese School for Osteopathy in Vienna and at the Danube University in Krems
Study of Physiotherapy
Bernd Blindow School in Friedrichshafen, Germany
Certified Trainer for Sport Climbing
Instructor Sport Climbing, top class sport
Innsbruck, Austria
Board Member of the "Climbing Physios"
The platform Climbing Physios was founded in 2018. It is a constantly growing, worldwide network of climbing physiotherapists who support professional athletes. The aim of this network is the fast exchange of knowledge. It is created to be able to share information about injuries and treatments.
Klaus Isele is founder (2011), owner and CEO of the Therapierbar – a practice for osteopathy, physiotherapy and pain therapy with locations in Schwarzach, Hohenems, Lingenau and Bregenz.
Member of the "IRCRA"
Member of the GOTS
Partner of the Olympic Centre Vorarlberg
When Klaus Isele began to work with Adam Ondra he started a collaboration with the Olympic Centre in Vorarlberg.

My Story
I grew up in Lustenau, Vorarlberg (Austria) and decided to start climbing when I was 14 years old. In the beginning it wasn’t a trend sport at all. When I went to Southern France with my uncle for the first time, climbing got to another level for me. I climbed on real rock for three weeks! That’s when my passion about rock climbing started.
Working With My Hands
In my youngsters I did an apprenticeship as a machine mechanist. Soon I found out that wasn’t the right thing for me. I am still working with my hands, but not on machines anymore but on human bodies. It’s the things you can do with your hands that fascinates me.
After several sport climbing trainer courses I studied Physiotherapy. As I finished this education I started with Osteopathy at the WSO (Vienna School of Osteopathy). In the year of 2015 I graduated as osteopath and in 2016, after seven years of studying, I could finish my master’s degree in osteopathy, which I’m really happy about. It was 2011 when I founded the physiotherapy and osteopathy practice “Therapierbar” in Schwarzach and I am very happy to be able to work together with nine great people. Meanwhile there are four practice locations.
World Cup & Treating Climbers
The other thing that enriched my life for a long time (2009-2019) was the possibility to accompany the Austria Climbing Team on their Boulder World Cups. It was very inspiring to work with such motivated young athletes and to do all the best to keep them injury free.
Working as physiotherapist and osteopath with professional athletes for many years and investigating the possibilities of new treatment methods as part of my Master studies (2016), I developed a new local osteopathic, conservative treatment method for climbing induced finger pain – the Isele-method.
From 2017 – 2019 I hat the chance to support the professional climber Adam Ondra, with whom I worked together on his project „Silence“, which he could send in September 2017. By sending this route, Adam set a new milestone in climbing history by opening the grade 9c with Silence, (Flatanger, Norway). Over this period I’ve helped Adam to stay injury free and climb better – in terms of improving movements. This cooperation was a precious experience to me.
Climbing Physios
On a rough flight from Japan to the USA I had the spontaneous idea of getting together the people who treat climbers regularly. The three Physiotherapists Paul Houghoughi from the UK, Zack DiCristino from the US and Ryuichiro Tomizawa from Japan were the first to join. Together we founded an exchange platform in 2018, the “Climbing Physios”. The last meeting took place at the World Championships in Japan in August 2019. 38 people from 18 different countries attended – among them around 28 therapists and 10 coaches.
Our intention is to share empirically proven knowledge about climbing related medical issues (focus on conservative treatments) and to inform climbers, therapists, trainer and federations. The aim is to prevent injuries with a good network of highly motivated and qualified therapists.
My Family
The most important thing in my life is my little family: my wife Anneliese, my son Lui-Jakob and my daughters Cathalea and Tilia Marie. I love to spend time with them, go climbing, fishing, traveling … They are actually the biggest adventure I ever started.
If you’re interested in reading more about my work, find here some press articles:
I am looking forward to your inquiry.